
Simple terminal image display using the iTerm2 image protocol


A simple way to display image in a terminal using the iTerm2 image protocol. This is supported by iTerm2, WezTerm, recent versions of Konsole.

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My document generation workflow with Markdown, YAML, Jinja2 and WeasyPrint


Here is the workflow I am using to generate simple text documents (resume, cover letters, etc.) from Markdown, YAML and Jinja2 templates.

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Sibling tail call optimization in Python


In Tail Recursion In Python, Chris Penner implements (self) tail-call optimization (TCO) in Python using a function decorator. Here I am extending the approach for sibling calls.

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OpenSSH ProxyUseFdPass


While looking at the OpenSSH ssh_config manpage, I found the ProxyUseFdpass configuration I did not know about. It is apparently not widely known or used.

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Intel AMT discovery


There has been some articles lately about Intel Active Management Technology (AMT) and its impact on security, trust, privacy and free-software. AMT supposed to be widely deployed in newest Intel hardware. So I wanted to see if I could find some AMT devices in the wild.

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