CVE-2023-28371 | Arbitrary file write (through directory traversal) in Stellarium |
CVE-2023-27986 | Emacs Lisp injection in Emacs |
CVE-2023-27985 | Shell command injection in Emacs |
CVE-2023-26314 | Arbitrary code execution through dangerous file association in Debian Mono package |
N/A | DNS rebinding vulnerability on Hetty's API |
CVE-2022-27820 | Lack of X.509 TLS certificate validation in OWASP ZAP |
CVE-2022-26505 | DNS rebinding in ReadyMedia/MiniDLNA |
CVE-2022-28108 | CSRF on Selenium standalone server |
CVE-2022-28109 | DNS rebinding on Selenium standalone server |
CVE-2021-33516 | DNS rebinding in GUPnP |
CVE-2021-32563 | Local program invocation without confirmation through Thunar command-line argument |
CVE-2021-31718 | DNS rebinding in npupnp |
CVE-2021-29462 | DNS rebinding in pupnp |
CVE-2021-4138 | DNS rebinding in GeckoDriver |
N/A | DNS rebinding and CSRF on Samsung TV DIAL implementation |
N/A | DNS rebinding vulnerability in Samsung SmartTV UPnP |
CVE-2020-26961 | DoH RFC1918 addresses protection bypass using IPv4-mapped address in Firefox |
CVE-2020-24373 | CSRF in Freebox Server UPnP MediaServer |
CVE-2020-24374 | DNS rebinding in Freebox v5 modem Web UI |
CVE-2020-24375 | DNS rebinding in Freebox Server UPnP MediaServer |
CVE-2020-24376 | DNS rebinding in Freebox UPnP IGD |
CVE-2020-24377 | DNS rebinding in Freebox Server Web UI |
CVE-2020-15660 | CSRF to RCE in geckodriver |
CVE-2020-15271 | Code injection in lookatme |
CVE-2019-7653 | Code injection in python-rdflib-tools Debian package |
N/A | CSRF in several YunoHost/BriqueInternet applications |
CVE-2018-10992 | Shell command injection in lilypond |
CVE-2017-17523 | Shell command injection in lilypond |
CVE-2017-18266 | Argument injection in xdg-open |
CVE-2017-17512 | Argument injection in sensible-browser |